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Monday 17 June 2013


Tonight Channel 4 will featuring Pooter on Despatches at 8.00pm.
It should be fascinating to see how councils justify their gross and self indulgent extravagances, whilst, at the same time, pleading poverty.
And we should never forget it was Pooter who forced colleagues into agreeing to buy the £115,000 Bentley....now depreciated to £50,000 or less...so much for hard times!


  1. The old Roller used to appreciate in value every year. When it finally gave up the ghost the Council still got quite a lot of money for it, which went to help fund the dreadful Bentley.

  2. It takes no great talent to spend other people's money.

  3. The Sqatter is working overtime to find a new source of income to replace the K&C largesse since he was kicked out. But the Dame and the Press are on to him. Watch the Daily Mail this week.....

  4. The Wasps, the bees and the Dame will be watching


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